
class sklearn_lvq.GrlvqModel(prototypes_per_class=1, initial_prototypes=None, initial_relevances=None, regularization=0.0, max_iter=2500, gtol=1e-05, beta=2, c=None, display=False, random_state=None)[source]

Generalized Relevance Learning Vector Quantization

prototypes_per_classint or list of int, optional (default=1)

Number of prototypes per class. Use list to specify different numbers per class.

initial_prototypesarray-like, shape = [n_prototypes, n_features + 1],

Prototypes to start with. If not given initialization near the class means. Class label must be placed as last entry of each prototype.

initial_relevancesarray-like, shape = [n_prototypes], optional

Relevances to start with. If not given all relevances are equal.

regularizationfloat, optional (default=0.0)

Value between 0 and 1. Regularization is done by the log determinant of the relevance matrix. Without regularization relevances may degenerate to zero.

max_iterint, optional (default=2500)

The maximum number of iterations.

gtolfloat, optional (default=1e-5)

Gradient norm must be less than gtol before successful termination of l-bfgs-b.

betaint, optional (default=2)

Used inside phi. 1 / (1 + np.math.exp(-beta * x))

carray-like, shape = [2,3] ,optional

Weights for wrong classification of form (y_real,y_pred,weight) Per default all weights are one, meaning you only need to specify the weights not equal one.

displayboolean, optional (default=False)

Print information about the bfgs steps.

random_stateint, RandomState instance or None, optional

If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random.

w_array-like, shape = [n_prototypes, n_features]

Prototype vector, where n_prototypes in the number of prototypes and n_features is the number of features

c_w_array-like, shape = [n_prototypes]

Prototype classes

classes_array-like, shape = [n_classes]

Array containing labels.

lambda_array-like, shape = [n_prototypes]




Predict confidence scores for samples.

fit(x, y)

Fit the LVQ model to the given training data and parameters using l-bfgs-b.


Get parameters for this estimator.






Predict class membership index for each input sample.

project(x, dims[, print_variance_covered])

Projects the data input data X using the relevance vector of trained model to dimension dim

score(X, y[, sample_weight])

Return the mean accuracy on the given test data and labels.


Set the parameters of this estimator.

__init__(prototypes_per_class=1, initial_prototypes=None, initial_relevances=None, regularization=0.0, max_iter=2500, gtol=1e-05, beta=2, c=None, display=False, random_state=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.